Available in 1 litre bottles.
BOEN Floor Soap is specifically developed for daily cleaning of Live Natural Oiled Floor.
Daily cleaning is best carried out dry with a broom or vacuum cleaner. For regular cleaning, pour 3 capfuls of BOEN Floor Soap into 5 l of water (ratio 25 ml for every 5 l water) and clean the floor with a damp mop. For dirtier floors, increase the dosage (50 ml for every 5 l water).
BOEN Floor Soap 是專門設計予 Live Natural Oiled 天然蠟油面地板木地板的清潔劑。
日常清潔只需使用掃把或吸塵機打掃便可。若要濕水清潔,請將3樽蓋份量 BOEN Floor Soap 加入5公升的清水就可(按25毫升清潔劑:5公升清水的比例)配合微濕的拖把最為理想。如需加強清潔,則可以將比例提升 (50毫升清潔劑:5公升清水)。